CityStats is a minimal API for accessing data on all 50 US States and the top 330 most populous US Cities. Publicly available to all, CityStats aims to provide up to date data and statistics in a programmatically-accessible format that can be utilized and integrated into educational and research projects.
Aggregating and integrating data from multiple local government websites as well as publicly available resources like{' '} Wikipedia , CityStats provides it's user with a simple API with which to interface using their programming language of choice.
CityStats was created by the web developer,{' '} Brian Hayes , who created CityStats out of a desire for a simple interface to access aggregated data about both State and Local governments.
CityStats is a Free and Open Source Project. If you wish to report a bug, contribute to, or fork the project, you can find it's source code over on{' '} Github .
Under the hood, CityStats is written primarily in JavaScript, but Python is utilized as well to aggregate data from publicly available sources. Specifically, CityStats utilizes the{' '} Fastify {' '} framework, the{' '} React {' '} library, and Python's{' '} Beautiful Soup {' '} library.
The developers of CityStats assume its users to have a basic understanding of programming concepts when it comes to data fetching. That said, CityStats is a very minimal API and is relatively easy to get started. The best place to start is by reading{' '} The Docs .